


Full Narration of Facts: Legal case for Iraq on US genocide

PRESS RELEASE For immediate distribution Date: 11 November 2013 FULL NARRATION OF FACTS US GENOCIDE IN IRAQ The following is the full “Narration of Facts”...


WikiLeaks Iraq war logs: Legal action is unavoidable

PRESS RELEASE For immediate distribution Date: 30 October 2010 WIKILEAKS IRAQ WAR LOGS: LEGAL ACTION IS UNAVOIDABLE To all victims of the US-UK invasion of Iraq...


Partition by census

PRESS RELEASE For immediate distribution Date: 12 October 2010 PARTITION BY CENSUS We, the undersigned, defending the right of Iraq to independence, sovereignty,...


Tasks and difficulties ahead of the Arab revolution

It is “le temps des cerises.”1 Since Mohamed Bouazizi’s tragic death in Tunisia, the same mechanism of popular uprisings has sparked to life across the Arab world, without exception, with all its pain and hope. The people use the same slogans repeated hundreds of times since a century: liberty, unity, social justice and Palestine is […]


Globalization as governance: An archaeology of contemporary political reason

  The development of global governance is part of the evolution of human efforts to organize life on the planet, and that process will always be going on. Our work is no more than a transit stop on that journey. — The Commission for Global Governance The organization of life is the project, global in […]


The illusion of liberation

just imagine a complete and universal order embracing all humanity, in a word, a state of perfect civilian order. Take my word for it, it’s sheer entropy, rigor mortis, a landscape on the moon, a geometrical plague .. — Robert Musil In the third section of Discipline and Punish, Michel Foucault described the measures to […]


Globalization and the end of the State?

Throughout the human sciences ‘globalization’ has become the explanatory concept of social change in the 1990s. In the study of political economy a rich combination of interconnected characteristics are conventionally identified as constituents of the larger dynamic: the ascendance of the ‘stateless corporation’; the emergence of the trillion dollar ‘24–hour, integrated global financial market–place’; the […]