Archive for: sovereignty



Full Narration of Facts: Legal case for Iraq on US genocide

PRESS RELEASE For immediate distribution Date: 11 November 2013 FULL NARRATION OF FACTS US GENOCIDE IN IRAQ The following is the full “Narration of Facts”...


WikiLeaks Iraq war logs: Legal action is unavoidable

PRESS RELEASE For immediate distribution Date: 30 October 2010 WIKILEAKS IRAQ WAR LOGS: LEGAL ACTION IS UNAVOIDABLE To all victims of the US-UK invasion of Iraq...


Partition by census

PRESS RELEASE For immediate distribution Date: 12 October 2010 PARTITION BY CENSUS We, the undersigned, defending the right of Iraq to independence, sovereignty,...


Who is in resistance?

The US occupation of Iraq has not only been an economic catastrophe and a political and moral disaster but also a resounding military failure. Despite its overwhelming firepower, the inequality of forces, and constant attempts to criminalise and hide the nature of the resistance the US army is facing, after six years the United States […]


This defeated occupation

On 10 March 2007 in Baghdad a stillborn regional conference will convene in which the Iraqi people will again be absent, their resistance not represented. Instead, a defeated US occupation will continue attempting to write the fate of the Iraqi people, conspiring with an undemocratic Security Council, as well as neighbouring and regional states, supposedly […]


Only resistance is legal

The United States-led occupation of Iraq is a dead end, politically, militarily, morally and economically The national popular resistance in Iraq is the sole legal and legitimate representative of the Iraqi people and the Republic of Iraq Only the national popular resistance can and has authority to determine a path towards peace and stability in […]


US illegality in Iraq: Where is the limit?

The United States-led occupation continues to demolish humanitarian law with impunity in Iraq Occupying powers have bred a culture of insecurity that destroys the lives of ordinary Iraqis International institutions, monitoring bodies and parliaments must act or risk irrelevance Three years have passed since the United States launched an illegal war of aggression on the […]


Statement on events in Samarra and across Iraq

Occupying powers are responsible for the protection of, and imputable for the destruction of, religious shrines Destruction of Al-Askari Mosque a “war crime” under international law Occupying powers legally bound to protect civilian life The United States and other parties of Multi-National Force-Iraq (MNF-I) remain belligerent occupants under international law. Given that UN Security Council […]